Saturday, October 23, 2004

A side note to the Nader/Camejo carpetbaggers from Canada who where trying to rock the local vote before the R.E.M. show last night:

You're absolutely pathetic.

You have done no work locally. You have no local organization. You come from a foreign country to hawk Ralph Nader's wares in a battleground state 2 weeks before the general election.

Compare what you're doing to what the Davidson County Democratic Party is doing. Compare that to the political stick that the Music Row Democrats are swinging. I don't know if what you're doing is going to make any difference, but if it does, I'm hunting your asses to the darkest corners of Canuckistan.

Shame on you.

And Ralph, you bring shame upon the entire political process.

If Zogby is right, this race in TN is down to a couple of points, and Nashville is one of the few places where a significant Nader vote might emerge.

By taking money from Republicans, using Canadians to do your dirty work in close races, all the while proclaiming to espouse a new form of politics, you have portrayed yourself not as the salvation of the system, but rather as the lowest form of political slime imaginable.

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