Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I'm Ready for My Close-Up, Mr. Rove!

Tuesday -- CORONADO, Calif. - President Bush couldn't be bothered to return immediately to the job of president, opting to take a leisurely path from his vacation home in Texas to yet another photo op in the continuing War of Error, rather than proceeding immediately to The White House.

It has been 72 hours since it became apparent that there would be a major disaster and humanitarian crisis in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, and since then, the President of the United States has placed a higher priority on posing in front of the camera rather than doing substantive work to aid relief efforts.

He has only just returned to Washington.

A grateful nation sighs as President Bush makes the supreme sacrifice of cutting his five-week vacation down to four and a half weeks.

Bush will apparently take time out of his busy schedule to visit on Friday.

Presidenting, now as ever, remains hard work.

(The Yankee Nero, trying out his new fiddle.)

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