Thursday, September 01, 2005

You Don't Need A Weatherman...

Let's dispense with the notion that no one knew that this disaster was coming.

Bienville himself was warned that settling the drained swampland between the Gulf of Mexico and Lake Pontchartrain wasn't wise. That doesn't excuse the complete bungling and bobbling and continuing incompetence on the part of the leadership involved.

Let's not confuse knowledge and certainty with preparation.

The feds were unprepared. The feds appeared unaware for days. And now that there is an actual emergency, the reaction is still pitifully, pathetically, and dare I say, pathologically inadequate.

There is no "better late than never" option today. Late is never for the dozens of people dying on the streets.

Remember the warning that went out on Sunday from NWS? Some thought it might be an overreaction.

I put together a little video montage. Watch and draw your own conclusions. Warning: Requires Quicktime. 10MB and graphic in spots.

If you like it, feel free to distribute.

EDIT: The QT video has been taken down because it's taking up all of my available file space. If you want a copy, contact me in comments and we'll work something out.


Adam Lipscomb said...

Well said. Well done.

Anonymous said...

I'll be sharing that, Andy. thanks.

Andy Axel said...

[Dear Anonymous Republican Troll: Your comment has been summarily deleted. If you want to engage in a discussion, you will post here under a registered name. Otherwise, I will consider such posts as graffiti.]